All equestrians know that horse riding is a tough workout.
If your body isn’t physically prepared for your time in the saddle, you could be left feeling pretty sore.
It’s important to make sure that you keep up with exercising regularly, not only to prevent injury, but to improve your riding skills, as well.
We put together a list of exercises that will help keep your body and riding skills sharply tuned.
Core Strength
Your core strength is probably one of the most important aspects of your physical health to maintain as an equestrian.
When riding, we use our core for:
- Correct riding posture
- Balance
- Shock absorption
- Maintaining a strong, fluid seat
- Alignment
Maintaining a strong core allows for better communication with your horse through your seat, which can make the entire experience much more enjoyable and communicative.
Some great core exercises for horse riders include:

- Plank Holds: Lay down flat on your stomach on your exercise mat.
- Lift yourself up on your elbows, holding your hands directly underneath your shoulders.
- Keep your body lifted and as straight and parallel to the ground as possible.
- Stabilized Crunches: Lay on your back with your feet pressed firmly against the wall, keeping your legs bent at a 90-degree angle.
- Lift your body up and forward, making sure to touch your knees before allowing yourself to lower back down to the mat.
Russian Twists: Position yourself as if you are half-way through a sit up.
Fold your arms in front of you and twist from one side to another, making sure to fully engage your core muscles as you twist.
Another great way to practice your core strength is to practice your two-point position while in the saddle, maybe while warming up for your ride.
Leg Strength
A large part of your communication with your horse is done through cues with your legs. You can work on improving and maintaining your leg strength with the following exercises:
Wall Sits: Bring yourself into a 90-degree sitting position with your back against the wall. Hold this position as long as possible. You’ll feel the burn with this one!
Cardio workouts can improve your endurance, making those long riding sessions that much easier. Running, jumping rope, swimming, or using an elliptical machine are all excellent options for training your cardio.
Designing an equestrian exercise plan that strengthens and trains multiple different parts of your body is an excellent way to make sure that you can fully enjoy and optimize your time in the saddle.
Here at Paddock Blade, we’re always looking for ways to help fellow equestrians make the most of the time with their horses. For more informative equestrian tips, be sure to keep up with our blog.
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